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Provide information about Victim Assist Queensland

Victim Assist Queensland provides information and advice for victims of crime, including advice about reporting an incident and how to access available support services.

If information is received about:

  • a child who is subject to intervention with parental agreement
  • a member of the child’s family

and the information indicates that the child or family member may have been a victim of an act of violence, provide the child or family member with information about services and assistance available through Victim Assist Queensland.

If the victim is a child, take into account the child’s age and capacity to understand the information and provide the information to the child’s parent or guardian if appropriate.

Provide the person with one or more of the following:

Encourage the child’s parents to seek information about whether the child is eligible for support and financial assistance from Victim Assist Queensland. This includes situations where the child is subject to a child protection care agreement.

Refer to Our approach Obligations to a victim of violent crime and the practice guide Victim Assist Queensland for information about responding to a child who has been a victim of crime.


When information is received about the sexual abuse of a child in care, irrespective of the alleged perpetrator, refer to Procedure 5 When a child is sexually abused while in care.

Version history

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  • Date: 
    Updated reference to PG Victim Assist Queensland and Our approach.
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    Link created
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