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Provide and review care

Use this procedure to respond when a person is interested in becoming a foster or kinship carer, or is seeking to renew their approval as a carer. The procedure explains what is required when placing a child in a care arrangement to support the carer to maintain the required standards of care. It also explains how to respond to standards of care concerns should any arise.

Content updates

This page was updated on 18 July 2024. To view changes, please see page updates

Use this procedure:

  • to respond to an enquiry, application, assessment, approval, re-approval or provisional approval of someone interested in providing foster or kinship care
  • when making a decision about who a child in need of protection will live with
  • to work in partnership with carers or care services to provide care to a child consistent with the standards of care outlined in the Child Protection Act 1999, section 122.

This procedure explains how to:

  • assess and approve kin to provide a safe care arrangement for a child or determine the most appropriate care arrangement for a child who is not able to be placed with kin and requires a foster or a non-family based care arrangement
  • determine applications for approval, renewal of approval, or provisional approval to be a foster or kinship carer, within legislative timeframes
  • take appropriate actions when standards of care may not have been met for a child, or where the child has experienced harm or it is suspected that they have experienced harm, to ensure that the child is safe from harm, and that actions are taken to resolve the identified concerns.

This procedure does not apply to a child who:

  • resides in a care environment, but is not placed in care under the authority of the Child Protection Act 1999
  • is in the custody of a relative under a short-term child protection order
  • has a long-term or permanent guardian.

Throughout this procedure, the term:

  • carer is used when referring to foster, kinship and provisionally approved carers
  • foster and kinship care service is used when referring to services whose funding and service agreement requires them to recruit, train, monitor and support carers
  • care service is used when referring to non-family based care services, such as residential care services, safe houses, placements with another entity and supported independent living services
  • safety and support network is used to specifically refer to a team of family, friends, community members, carers and professionals who are willing to work with the child, the family and Child Safety to keep the child safe. Network members keep in regular contact with the child and their families, and take specific actions when there is a danger and risk of harm to a child.

Child Safety is responsible for regulating the provision of foster and kinship care to children subject to the custody or guardianship of the chief executive in Queensland. This includes:

  • ensuring the standards of care provided to children placed under the Child Protection Act 1999 section 82(1) are consistent with the statement of standards, Child Protection Act 1999, section 122
  • working collaboratively with non-government partners to recruit, assess, train and support carers and monitor the standards of care provided to children in care arrangements
  • deciding where and with whom a child will live
  • working collaboratively with members of a child’s safety and support network, to proactively monitor the child’s care and support the carer or care service to meet the child’s needs
  • taking action when it is indicated that the standards of care may not have been met for a child, or where the child has experienced harm or it is suspected that they have experienced harm, to ensure the child is safe from harm and resolve identified concerns.

Version history

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Last reviewed:

  • Date: 
    Update kinship care policy hyperlink
  • Date: 
    Reflecting the new Child Protection Regulation 2023
  • Date: 
    Reflecting the new Child Protection Regulation 2023
  • Date: 
    Reflecting the new Child Protection Regulation 2023
  • Date: 
    Reflecting the new Child Protection Regulation 2023
  • Date: 
    Reflecting the new Child Protection Regulation 2023
  • Date: 
    Reflecting the new Child Protection Regulation 2023
  • Date: 
    Reflecting the new Child Protection Regulation 2023
  • Date: 
    Updated Word and PDF versions
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    Updated Word and PDF versions
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    Grammatical error update
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    Updated Word and PDF versions
  • Date: 
    Update Word and PDF versions
  • Date: 
    Create new word and pdf versions
  • Date: 
    Broken links fixed
  • Date: 
    Added new policy Children and young people with gender and sexual orientation diversity
  • Date: 
    PDF version procedure
  • Date: 
    PDF and word versions of procedure
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    Pdf versions updated
  • Date: 
    Word and Pdf versions updated
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  • Date: 
    pdf and Word download versions updated
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  • Date: 
    Update policy link
  • Date: 
    Update CRC policies
  • Date: 
    Update policies
  • Date: 
    Replace Word / PDF versions - Procedure Provide and review care
  • Date: 
    Page update
  • Date: 
    Page created