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Alcohol and other drugs
Use this practice kit to learn how to strengthen knowledge, skills and resources to work with parents, children and young people, when there is problematic use of alcohol and other drugs.
Transition to adulthood
Use this practice kit to work with young people and their network to support the young person to transition to adulthood.
Care arrangements
Use this practice kit to meet the needs of children in care arrangements and strengthen working relationships with children, parents, extended family and carers.
Child sexual abuse
Use this practice kit to inform work with children and families where child sexual abuse is involved.
Domestic and family violence
In Australia, 2 in 5 children experience exposure to domestic and family violence.
Use this kit to examine domestic and family violence through a child protection lens, recognise its impact on children and inform your engagement with people using violence and with children and parents experiencing violence.
Use this practice kit to support practice with children and parents with disability.
Mental health
Use this practice kit to learn how to strengthen knowledge, skills and resources to work with parents, children and young people when mental health issues are involved.
Use this practice kit to guide your work with children, families and networks to help achieve relational, physical and legal permanency.
Safe care and connection
Use this practice kit to inform culturally capable practice with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and families.