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Engage and partner

Use this information to support positive engagement and partnership with children, families and stakeholders.

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This page was updated on 29 November 2024. To view changes, please see page updates

We engage and partner in line with the values of partnership and participation in the (Strengthening families Protecting children) Framework for Practice. We build collaborative working relationships and use our authority respectfully and thoughtfully. We use our skills in the development of effective working relationships.

When we engage and partner with others, we will treat them fairly, respectfully, professionally, courteously and without bias. (Refer to the brochure Let’s treat each other with respect and the practice guide Power, privilege and use of self in child protection.)


We recognise the rights of children we work with. This includes their right to express their views about what is and isn’t in their best interests, to be given help to understand decision making processes, to have their say in the decisions that affect them and to be able to express their views to a tribunal if a matter is being reviewed or in the court. It also includes the standards of care that are required when a child is placed in a care arrangement. 

The Charter of rights for a child in care (Child Protection Act 1999, schedule 1) sets out 11 rights for every child in the custody or guardianship of the chief executive. When working with children in care we tell them about the charter of rights and what they can expect, and also what they can do if they feel like their rights are not being complied with.


We recognise the rights of the parents we work with when intervening in the lives of children and families. The Charter of Rights for parents involved with the child protection system in Queensland sets out the rights of parents in accordance with the Human Rights Act 2019. This includes the right to privacy and confidentiality, participating in decision making about their child, being able to access their personal information and being told about concerns received and outcomes of assessments made. 

For more information on the rights of parents, refer to the Parents' rights page on the Child Safety internet.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and organisation

We work in partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and organisations in line with the elements of partnership and participation in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Child Placement Principle.

Participation ensuring the participation of children, parents and family members in decisions regarding the safety belonging and wellbeing of their children.

Partnershipensuring the participation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community representatives in:

  • service design
  • service delivery
  • individual case decisions.

Peak bodies

We value our partnerships with peak bodies and their members in Queensland, including:

Government agencies

In providing services to vulnerable children and families in Queensland, we work together with other government agencies to provide priority services, especially:

National disability services

To support children who have a disability, their families and carers, the department works in partnership with the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and National Injury Insurance Scheme Queensland (NIISQ).

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is administered by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) and provides reasonable and necessary disability supports for eligible people with intellectual, physical, sensory, cognitive or psychosocial disability, as well as early childhood early intervention supports for children with developmental delay. 

The NDIS can provide all people with disability with information and connections to services in their communities such as doctors, sporting clubs, support groups, libraries and schools, as well as information about what support is provided by each state and territory government. Refer to Support a child in care.

The National Injury Insurance Scheme Queensland (NIISQ) provides necessary and reasonable lifetime treatment, care and support for people who sustain eligible serious personal injuries in a motor vehicle accident in Queensland, regardless of who is at fault in the accident. NIISQ support can be provided to children in care who have been seriously injured in a motor vehicle accident and can continue to be provided after they transition to adulthood. Refer to Support a child in care.

Domestic and family violence services

In providing services to children, young people, parents and families impacted by domestic and family violence we work together with domestic and family violence services in Queensland, which are guided by the Practice principles, standards and guidance - Domestic and family violence services.

Multidisciplinary collaboration

To develop better outcomes for children and families, we engage collaboratively with stakeholders  including:

  • SCAN teams
  • Evolve
  • High Risk Teams for Domestic and Family Violence.

Version history

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    Uploaded section on childrens' rights and the Charter of rights for parents.
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    Uploaded section on childrens' rights and the Charter of rights for parents.
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    National disability services information added
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    Add practice guide for DFV services
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