Adolescent development involves the transition from being a child to being an adult. It has social, personal, cultural, neurological and physiological aspects, which begin in the early teens and continue into the late twenties.
Adolescence is a period of identity-forming when young people need to develop:
- a new physical sense of self
- new intellectual abilities and the ability to cope with increased cognitive demands at school
- expanded verbal skills
- a personal sense of identity
- the ability to control impulses, calibrate risks and rewards, regulate emotions, and think strategically
- establish adult vocational goals
- emotional and psychological independence from parents
- positive peer relationships
- sexuality, sexual behaviour, and sexual identity
- their personal value system.
Labouvie-Vief, G (2006), cited in Jim Casey Youth Initiative (2011, p 17)

(Arnett, J 2007, cited in Jim Casey Youth Initiative, 2011, p. 16)
Our growing understanding of brain development, including the effects of trauma and disrupted attachment gives us important knowledge about adolescent development.
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