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Use of language

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Use of language

‘Language is not neutral; it is loaded with meaning. It communicates to others how we as individuals, and as representatives of an organisation, interpret, evaluate, and make sense. Being aware of the language we choose and the way in which we use it can be critical in determining whose view of ‘reality’ we are accepting, what power relations we wish to reinforce, what kind of world we wish to adopt, and the type of social work we wish to create.’ (Hawkins, 2001)

The language we use to describe domestic and family violence, both spoken and written, can conceal, share, minimise or relieve the person using violence of responsibility and it can blame the victim or make her mutually responsible for the violence. Alternatively, choose words to hold people who use violence to account for their behaviour choices and recognise those who are hurt by it (Curijo).


The Language Lab provides information on the role of language in representing violence and abuse, and tools to help us use language to represent violence and other adversities more accurately. It recognises that language can be used in restrictive or liberating ways to:
  • conceal or reveal violence
  • obscure or reveal offender responsibility
  • conceal or reveal responses and resistance
  • blame or contest the blaming of victims (Coates and Wade).

Be clear about what is violence and who is responsible

When talking about and documenting domestic and family violence, be clear about exactly what violence and abuse is occurring, and who is responsible for it. 

  • Use behaviourally specific descriptions which reflect the deliberate and patterned nature of violence and abuse as observed or reported. 
  • Avoid words such as ‘fight’ and ‘argument’ which mutualise violence or suggest consent.
  • Avoid phrases such as ‘the parents’ relationship is characterised by domestic violence’ as this fails to identify who is using violence and who is being hurt by it. 

Keep the acts of violence and the identity of the person who uses violence apparent in conversations and in documentation (Curijo).


Be aware the person using violence may be using a form of systems abuse by notifying Child Safety, sometimes repeatedly, about the mother to follow through on threats to have the children removed.

Use specific, behaviourally focussed language 

When writing or speaking about violence, use words to clearly express who is doing what and how. Avoid mutualising language that makes women seem complicit in the abuse.

Don't say

Do say 

The relationship is characterised by domestic violence. Paul is physically violent towards Liz, and he uses control tactics such as threats, withdrawal of financial resources, name calling and yelling to scare, humiliate and control Liz.
They have a violent relationship. Paul hits, punches, and intimidates Liz.
Violence in the relationship. Domestic violence is being used by Paul against Liz.

Incident between Paul and Liz. They had an argument and fight.

Liz was assaulted.

Domestic incident.

Violent incident first time after many years of fights and arguments. 

Police informed of altercation.   

Paul has been perpetrating violence, intimidating, and controlling Liz since she was pregnant with Sam (1 year old). This has negatively impacted her confidence and emotional and mental wellbeing. Paul undermines Liz’s parenting decisions and the development of a strong attachment relationship. He does this by calling her a ‘bad mother’, and saying that Sam cries too much, but then not letting Liz pick Sam up when he needs comfort. Paul is also using financial abuse by withholding money so that Liz cannot buy what Sam needs or pay the rent for the apartment which is in her name. Because of the violence Paul is choosing, Sam and Liz may go hungry and face homelessness. 

As a result of Paul’s behaviour, Liz is suffering from severe stress and high anxiety which increases each afternoon as she does not know what time Paul will arrive home and whether he will be friendly or abusive towards her. 

On 01/01/20XX Liz persevered with talking to Paul about the money she needed for Sam and Paul punched Liz on the head and chest. Liz was wearing Sam in a baby-carrier at the time. Their neighbour called the police who attended…    

He is a perpetrator of domestic violence When Paul physically and emotionally harms his partner Liz and routinely undermines her as a parent; Paul is making a parenting choice which harms Sam’s emotional stability; and damages the functioning of the family, by withholding money leading them to risks of homelessness.

The violence

The abuse                                                                                                                                                                                        

Paul uses economic abuse when he changes the bank passwords, and this prevents Liz from accessing the bank accounts. Paul also does not provide the necessary financial resources to provide for Sam’s basic care.

Paul uses intimidation tactics to threaten and frighten Liz into accepting the financial situation telling her she is ‘too stupid and careless’ to manage their money.

Violent incidents Paul’s pattern of coercive control includes threats to leave her and take Sam, threats to harm himself and property damage of their rental home (the lease is in Liz’s name only). 
The perpetrator Paul/person using violence
He is a perpetrator of domestic violence When Paul physically and emotionally harms his partner Liz and routinely undermines her as a parent; Paul is making a parenting choice which harms Sam’s emotional stability; and damages the functioning of the family, by withholding money leading them to risks of homelessness. 
Kissing Forced his mouth on hers. 
Abusive or violent relationship, fight, conflict, argument, altercation Assault, beating, attack.
Sex, intercourse Forced vaginal penetration, raped, sexually assaulted.


Listen to this Ted Talk by Jackson Katz for a compelling insight into the power of language, Violence against women - it's a men's issue.

Jackson Katz: Violence against women -- it's a man's issue

Example statements on violence

Here is one example of documentation written two ways. The first demonstrates the preferred writing style, the second demonstrates problematic language in use. 

Magda and Martin are in a relationship and live together with Magda’s child, Maya. 
Martin regularly uses violence towards Magda. In his latest assault on her, Martin pulled Magda’s hair and forcefully pushed her head into a wall. 

Magda had swelling, bruising and a cut on her forehead as a result. She also hurt her wrist trying to defend herself against Martin. Magda says this level of injury happens every week. 

Magda explained she has taught Maya to stay upstairs when Martin is violent, but this is not always possible if Martin is blocking the stairs. Magda has been unable to keep Maya away and she hears

Martin’s verbal abuse daily, sees Magda’s injuries and sees the damage to the home after a physical assault.

Magda shared she tries to protect Maya by ensuring Maya has a sleepover with friends or family members when she thinks Martin might ‘kick off’, and by talking about how the violence is not Maya’s fault.

Magda described how she seeks to provide routine and structure in the home, (regular meals, lunch packed for school, stories at bedtime) to keep things as calm as possible.

Martin’s use of violence impacts Maya as she: 

  • feels rejected when Magda sends her away (sleepovers, to her room)
  • blames Magda for ‘upsetting Daddy so much’
  • is confused in her relationship with Martin as she loves him and fears him at the same time
  • disengages from learning at school, often tired from disrupted sleep either from the violence or nightmares. 

The language used in this example: 

  • makes it clear Magda and Martin are in a relationship and live together in a home with one child
  • reports on a pattern of violence where Martin severely injures Magda
  • details the way Martin has hurt Magda in this latest incident
  • describes the injury Magda sustained because of Martin’s violence
  • keeps Martin as the focus when reporting on violence— ‘Martin pulled Magda’s hair’
  • explores some of the direct and indirect protective actions that Magda takes for Maya
  • documents Martin as responsible for his use of violence against Magda.
Magda is in a relationship that is characterised by domestic violence. Magda was assaulted during a domestic altercation. Magda’s child was at home during the incident. 

The language is problematic because it: 

  • makes the person using violence invisible – his name is not used once
  • implies Magda is partly responsible for the violence perpetrated against her
  • lacks detail on who hurt Magda and how she was hurt
  • lacks detail on the effect the violence has on Magda and her child
  • reports a single incident with no mention of where this fits within a pattern of violence
  • focuses on Magda with no mention of who is using violence. 

Verbal language

Make efforts to speak with the person experiencing violence first and separately to the person using violence. Ask non-judgemental questions about the specifics of the person using violence’s behaviours. For example, ‘what does it look like when he gets angry or is unhappy? What does he do? What does he say? How does that impact you? How does that impact your child?’ (Safe and Together Institute). 

Prepare your approach to use non-blaming statements: 

Why aren’t you acting protectively of your child?

Tell me about some of things you are doing to protect Sam from Paul’s violence?

Are you ever prevented from acting protectively? What got in the way?

You are failing to protect your children. His behaviour is causing the children harm.
Is this what you want for your kids? What are your hopes and dreams for your kids?
Your kids deserve better even if you think you don’t I think it’s wrong that he’s acted this way to you and the children. I want to work with him to try to guide him to make changes.
Have you stopped him from having contact with the children? Are there times when you felt it was unsafe for you or the children to have contact with him? Are you able to safely prevent contact?
Where were the children when he was hitting you? How has his behaviour impacted on the children?
What would the children say about how dad’s behaviour impacts on them?
Why don’t you leave?

Have you ever thought about leaving? What happened if you tried?

Has your partner ever tried to stop you leaving?

Why did you let him come back?

It’s clear that the father role is important to you and the children, but I am concerned that his behaviours are unsafe for the children.

Tell me about how you got back together?

Why did you go back?

What was on your mind/going on when you returned to the relationship?

What did you think might happen if you didn’t go back?

Non-blaming questions and conversation starters 

  • Tell me about a time when you were able to keep children safe when he was assaulting you?
  • When you see him escalating what do you do to try to protect yourself and the kids?
  • What have you noticed about his pattern of violence? What seem to be the triggers for his violence?
  • I note that you had attempted to leave before, what happened?
  • We are worried that you and the kids are not safe, what can we do to help keep you safe?
  • Tell me about when he returned to the house?
  • Are there times when he is not violent? What does your relationship look like during these times?
  • Has your partner interfered with you trying to leave or stay away?
  • Tell me who’s living here with you and the children?
  • Tell me about a time that you were able to call the police?
  • How did he interfere with you seeking help for you and the children?
  • What sorts of things does he do to interfere with you seeking help and support?
  • We can see that you have tried to keep the kids safe, has anyone ever explained options for support?
  • I am going to need to talk to him as part of the assessment. I want to make sure that’s safe for you and and the children, so can we talk about how to do that?
  • Tell me about your finances? Who makes the decisions about family finances? Do you have any spending money of your own?
  • Tell me how the children are going at school. What roles does he play in the children’s day to day schooling? 
  • Were there any strategies you found useful from counselling?
  • I am concerned his behaviours are continuing to harm the children.
  • Did you make a choice to have another baby with your partner, was it a mutual decision?

Practice prompt

Reflect on your engagement approaches by asking yourself:
  • Am I helping or harming?
  • Am I exacerbating the child or mother's sense of responsibility?
  • How can I be of most help to them?
  • Who has the most power to stop the violence, and who is being asked to be responsible for stopping the violence (Curijo)?

Recording the child’s exposure

Exposure to domestic and family violence means ‘living with’ domestic and family violence and occurs in a variety of ways. When recording exposure to domestic and family violence for a child, use language to explicitly describe the child’s experience of the violence, and then consider acute and chronic impacts on the child’s wellbeing both now and throughout the child’s lifetime. 

The following table presents Holden’s categorisation of the types of exposure, a construct far more complex than simply observing or overhearing violence (Holden). In these examples replace the phrase in brackets with a specific description of the behaviours attributed to the domestic and family violence. 

Type of exposure

Description of the child's experience

Intervenes The child has intervened in the [domestic and family violence] verbally (for example, called out ‘stop’) or physically (for example, stood between the offender and victim) making attempts to stop [the violence]. The child is at risk of physical or verbal assault at these times. 
Physically or emotionally harmed The child is verbally or physically assaulted during [describe the specific violence] which resulted in [include specific description] and the child is expressing [include child’s emotional response] about the chance of future exposure to [domestic and family violence]. 
Participates The child was forced or coerced to join the perpetrator’s [describe the specific violence] towards their mother. For example, filming the abuse, name-calling mother, or being made to kick her when she was on the floor. This has negatively impacted the relationship between mother and child causing long-term emotional trauma to the child. 
Eyewitness The child saw and heard the denigration of their mother, witnessed the family cat being malnourished by their father to punish their mother and saw a physical or sexual assault take place resulting in trauma and anxiety, whereby the child is displaying symptoms of anxiety, fear, and helplessness, developing a heightened sense of insecurity and unsure of their own safety.
Overhears The child hears the perpetrator’s [describe the specific violence] and abuse.
Observes the immediate effects The child sees some of the immediate consequences (for example injuries, damage to property, emotional distress) of the [describe the specific violence]. 
Experiences the aftermath

The child faces changes in their life because of the [describe the specific violence]. 
The child appears exhausted at school every day, falls asleep during class and is struggling to concentrate. 

The child lives without a secure relationship with their father and self-harmed to cope with the intense and confusing emotions they have been experiencing because of their father’s violence. 

Following fleeing from the violence, the child has moved to four different regional areas across Queensland as they are unable to access long term housing in shelters. This has disrupted their schooling, relationships with family and friends and access to their NDIS supports. 

Hears about it The child is told about or overhears conversations about the [describe the specific violence].

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