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Defining domestic and family violence

Domestic and family violence is most often an expression of a power imbalance, resulting in one person along with their children, living in fear of another and usually involves an ongoing pattern of abuse over time.  Domestic and family violence is both a cause and consequence of gender inequality, and most commonly, involving a male using violence toward their female partner or ex-partner (Our Watch).

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Domestic violence 

Domestic violence is violence that exists within a range of intimate or previously intimate personal relationships including de-facto, engaged, married, previously married, separated, same-sex partners, gender-diverse partners, and between custodial and non-custodial parents of a child. It can also occur in intimate relationships involving people younger than 18 years of age (Domestic and Family Violence Protection Act 2012, section 8). 

Family violence 

The term encompasses all forms of violence across a broad range of family and other relationships of mutual obligations and support (Domestic and Family Violence Death Review and Advisory Board) and can include:

  • extended family
  • former family members
  • people related either by blood or marriage
  • unrelated individuals who are regarded as ‘family’. 

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and family violence

Family violence is the preferred term (Fish et al.) to refer to violence within Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families and communities as it emphasises the impact on the family, as a whole. The term provides context to recognise the impact dispossession, breakdown of kinship networks, child removal policies, entrenched disadvantage, as well as intergenerational trauma and grief has on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families and communities. 


To learn more about the impact of intergenerational trauma and the link to family violence, watch this video Understanding intergenerational trauma by the Foundation for Indigenous Sustainable Health. 

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and children are disproportionately impacted by family violence as it occurs at higher rates in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities than in the general population. Across 2021-22 those situations where a perpetrator of violence was specified, 74% of assault hospitalisations involving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples were due to family violence. Specifically, 47% were due to assault by a spouse or domestic partner, 2.8% by a parent and 24% by another family member (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (c)). 


Violence against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women is not an ‘Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander problem’. The violence is an Australian problem, and it is perpetrated by men of all cultural backgrounds (Our Watch). 

Adolescent violence in the home

While it is common for young people to challenge their parent or authority figure as they develop independence, and doing so can include displaying anger this is not the same as violent behaviours where the adolescent is asserting power and control (Howard and Friend). Adolescent violence refers to behaviours used by a young person to control, dominate, threaten, or coerce a parent, sibling, or romantic relationship. 

Many longitudinal studies have consistently linked childhood exposure of domestic and family violence with future perpetration, and some young people may become both victim-survivors of domestic and family violence and perpetrators of violence (Black et al.). Their exposure to violence, stereotypical gender roles and violence-supportive attitudes are factors contributing to future violent behaviours towards women (Campo (b)). 

Adolescent violence in the home is considered distinct from adult-perpetrated violence to account for trauma, developmental stage and the intention behind the behaviours used (Campbell et al. (c)). Most adolescents who use violence are male and their primary victims are their mothers (State of Victoria).

Coercive control

Coercive control describes the pattern of abusive behaviours men who use violence employ to hurt, humiliate, isolate, frighten, or threaten another person to control or dominate them (Queensland Government). 

These tactics instil fear in people experiencing violence, wear down their sense of identity and independence, and entrap them in a violent relationship by closing off options for accessing safety and support.

Coercive control is complex. It includes behaviour the person experiencing violence considers abusive but may be hard for others to identify (for example, body language, the click of a pen, a look or a deliberately chosen word). These actions are designed through the shared history of abuse to instil fear and dread and when considered individually do not appear problematic. 

This video by Ards and North Down Borough Council, United Kingdom explains coercive control, noting it is less of a distinct form of abuse, and is more the ’golden thread’ linking multiple other forms of behaviour and abuse together. 

Forms of abuse within domestic and family violence

Domestic and family violence very rarely happens as a single incident. Rather, it is a pattern of ongoing behaviour which includes multiple tactics to intimidate, control and abuse someone. The frequency and severity of domestic and family violence can escalate over time.

This abuse takes many different forms, none of which are mutually exclusive. While physical violence may be the most widely recognised, other forms can be equally harmful (Fish et al., Laing et al.). Further, physical, and sexual abuse may not be occurring in the relationship all the time, whereas other forms of violence such as emotional, social, and economic abuse may be much more frequent. A lack of physical violence does not suggest a lack of risk. 

Many homicides have occurred in the context of non-physical coercive control, with women murdered having reported, rather than physical abuse. ongoing coercive control, and a range of other forms of abuse.

Examples of abuse within domestic and family violence

Physical abuse

Physical abuse is the assault of a person, their child, or a pet, as well as property destruction, the use of weapons and reckless behaviour. It can include threatening to harm or kill as a powerful method of control. 

Physical abuse includes: 

  • kicking
  • punching 
  • choking/strangling
  • slapping 
  • shoving
  • hitting 
  • restraining/deprivation of liberty (for example, prevented from leaving a room or getting up) 
  • any use or threat to use weapons
  • stand over or intimidation tactics (for example, throwing objects at or near the person, punching holes in walls, destroying property, or sleep and food deprivation adults or children)
  • threats to the victim to harm others (for example, themselves (person using violence), children, family members or pets).
These threats against others are often a more compelling tool for manipulating victims (both adult and child victims) than direct threats of harm.  

Sexual abuse

Sexual abuse is any unwanted sexual behaviour towards another person which occurs without the person’s informed consent. Often threats of sexual violence are used to control and instil fear within a relationship.

Sexual abuse includes: 

  • being forced or pressured into any sexual acts, such as touching, kissing, cunnilingus or fellatio, digital penetration of the anus, mouth or vagina, rape, asphyxiation/strangulation
  • being forced to watch or participate in pornography/sexual exploitation material
  • forced sex work or non-consenting sexual activity with other people. 

Verbal abuse

Verbal abuse is spoken with the intent to humiliate, degrade, demean, threaten, coerce, or intimidate a person, often to attack the victim’s sense of self and worthiness. 
As this abuse may be perceived as an attack on a person’s identity, it is closely related to emotional abuse and can result in psychological harm.

Verbal abuse includes: 

  • yelling, shouting, swearing 
  • frequent put downs and criticism 
  • the use of threatening and intimidating language 
  • demeaning and derogatory name calling 
  • threatening
  • criticism 
  • personal attacks on the person or their identity.

Emotional or psychological abuse

People experiencing emotional abuse in a domestic violence setting often report it to be worse than physical violence as it is pervasive, hard to escape, and it erodes their sense of self over time.

Emotional/psychological abuse includes: 

  • blaming the partner for the problems in the relationship 
  • undermining a person’s self-esteem and self-worth 
  • gaslighting (where the abuser sows self-doubt and confusion, where the victim questions their own judgment and intuition)
  • withdrawing interest and engagement 
  • excessive jealousy 
  • making threats to retain/regain custody of the child or threaten legal action 
  • destroying property (for example, sentimental items or items with personal meaning and importance) 
  • abusing pets
  • threatening personal injury.

Social abuse or isolation

Social abuse involves the use of deliberate strategies to isolate or separate a person from their family, friends, or community. 

Social abuse often starts subtly and may be interpreted as romantic actions (for example, ‘if you really loved me, you would only want to spend time with me’). 

Social abuse/isolation includes: 

  • rudeness towards or fighting with family and friends 
  • moving to locations where the partner does not know others (geographic isolation can facilitate social isolation) 
  • making it difficult to spend time with others (for example, removing access to the car or car keys, starting fights right before or following social contact, constant texts, or calls when the victim-survivor is spending time with others, embarrassing, or humiliating the victim in front of others), 
  • displays of jealousy regarding social contact 
  • forbidding or preventing a partner or family member from meeting others
  • denigrating the victim-survivor to others, for example, telling others like friends, family, or service providers (schools, daycare, doctors etc.) that she is ‘crazy’, ‘abusive’, ‘a bad mother’.
  • withholding her passport, using her visa or legal residency status against her, threatening her with deportation
  • modern slavery (trafficking, slavery, slavery-like practices) involving the exploitation of individuals through force, fraud, or coercion often for the purpose of labour or sexual exploitation. 

Financial or economic abuse

Financial abuse involves the unequal control of finances and the deprivation of necessities. It creates economic dependence and is a critical barrier to victims being able to safely leave the relationship.

It is important to note financial abuse can also present like neglect. For example, children may not have food, things they need for school, they may not have clothing that fits or is suitable for the season/weather and may be prevented from participating in sports or recreational activities.   

Financial/economic abuse includes: 

  • anger directed towards the victim for spending money, including for necessities 
  • making the victim account for all expenditure
  • controlling all finances and being the primary or sole decision-maker on financial matters 
  • withholding access to joint funds or marital assets (for example bank accounts and loan balances) 
  • providing inadequate ‘allowance’ or not enough money for basic needs (for example, medication, food, or school supplies) 
  • controlling or using money earned to her account or money she is entitled to (for example, her disability payment or her inheritance) 
  • preventing the victim from seeking or keeping a job or furthering their education
  • 'sexually transmitted debt', where the person using violence will take out loans in the victim’s name (with or without consent or knowledge) or coerce her to engage in fraudulent or illegal activity (for example, claim the wrong Centrelink benefit or stealing from work, friends, or other sources)
  • post separation financial abuse (for example, keeping all school uniforms, manipulating systems such as Child Support or the Family Court, hiding assets, refusal to pay for children’s expenses, refusing to provide necessities for children during contact (making the victim provide all food, clothing, and medications). 

Spiritual, religious, or cultural abuse

Spiritual religious or cultural abuse is when the person using violence controls the activities around spiritual, cultural, or religious practices.

It can also include forcing the other person to engage in religious, cultural, or spiritual practices, or misusing spiritual or religious beliefs and practices to justify abuse and violence.

Spiritual, religious, or cultural abuse includes: 

  • forcing or preventing the victim from attending church or cultural gatherings
  • denigrating a person’s culture, language, beliefs, accent, food/cooking, skin colour or cultural history 
  • using religion or culture to justify abuse (for example, ‘God says I’m the head of the household and you need to do what I say’, ‘it’s tradition’)
  • forcing or preventing the victim from speaking their language or engaging in religious or cultural observances (like daily prayer) 
  • making regular and targeted racist or xenophobic statements. 

Stalking, surveillance, and monitoring

Stalking is a criminal offence and involves worrying or frightening someone by following them by foot or vehicle, constantly contacting them by phone, text message and email, staying outside their house or workplace, monitoring their movements.  

Surveillance and monitoring are obsessive behaviours where the person using violence stalks or uses surveillance to deliberately deprive the victim of their privacy, autonomy, and sense of safety. 

The abusive actions can occur during an intimate relationship or escalate after a separation. The person using violence uses their extensive knowledge of the victim’s personal and professional life, social circle, daily routines, online activities, worries and fears to target their abusive strategies. 

Often these obsessive behaviours are accompanied by: 

  • continual calling, emails, or text messages 
  • attending (waiting outside, driving by, entering/trying to enter) the victim’s home, workplace, or educational facility
  • hiding inside or outside the home for extended periods to observe and monitor the victim-survivor
  • cyber stalking and tracking via social media or GPS. 

Technology-facilitated abuse

This controlling behaviour involves using technology to harass, coerce, threaten, monitor, or impersonate another person. 

Technology-facilitated abuse includes: 

  • abusive and repeated text messages, emails, and social media messages, for example, sending threats via banking apps
  • threatening or repeated and unwanted phone calls
  • checking, monitoring, or stalking the text messages, social media and internet activity of the person experiencing violence (for example, with keystroke software, location sharing or family sharing apps)
  • restricting access to telephone and electronic communication (for example, breaking her devices, insisting on a ’shared’ device, withholding Wi-Fi passwords or taking the router with him when he leaves the home)
  • monitoring activity in the home, through smart appliances and cameras
  • cyber stalking, using a range of different platforms and strategies
  • tracking via social media or GPS
  • planting listening or tracking devices in the home, car, in clothing or toys. 

While some victims will be quite aware of the surveillance they are under, it is not uncommon for victim-survivors to not realise immediately that they are being monitored in this way. 

Image-based abuse

Image-based sexual abuse refers to the non-consensual creation, distribution or threatened distribution (sextortion or blackmail) of nude or sexual images or videos resulting in emotional distress and fear experienced (eSafety Commissioner). 

This form of abuse was found to be relatively common among respondents surveyed and to disproportionately affect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, people with a disability, homosexual and bisexual people, and young people (Henry et al.). 

Image-based abuse includes: 

  • posting a nude or sexual image of the victim online (social media) without their permission
  • digitally editing the victim’s image onto a sexually explicit photograph or video (known as a deep fake)
  • taking a photograph of a victim’s body (for example her breasts, cleavage) without her permission.

Refer to Image-based abuse on the eSafety Commissioner website for more information.

Property damage

Men who use violence may seek to control, intimidate, threaten, injure, demean, or isolate victims by interfering with property, which may in some cases include abuse of pets and assistance animals. 

Property damage includes: 

  • stealing, damaging, or destroying shared personal property, owned by or in the possession of the victim-survivor, or otherwise used or enjoyed by the victim-survivors, children, or other family members. For example, the person using violence may: 
  • destroy a mobile phone while the victim attempts to call police
  • vandalise household furnishings or personal effects and clothing the victim has paid for or are sentimental to the victim. 
  • steal, immobilise or tamper with the victim’s car
  • use the car as a weapon (for example, run the victim over to injure or hinder their escape). 
  • attack the victim’s home by breaking windows, making holes in the roof, or driving a vehicle into a wall.

Threats to harm or kill

Threatening to harm or kill someone can be a powerful method of control. The person using violence may threaten to harm themselves, children, family members, and pets, and this is often more effective than making direct threats against the victim. 

Threats may encompass a broad category of harm, and may include the denial of resources or opportunities, removal of privileges or the introduction of punishment, as well as threats to physically hurt others. 

Substance use coercion

Many survivors of domestic and family violence experience substance use coercion. This includes tactics specifically targeted towards a partner’s use of substances (alcohol, medications, or illicit substances) as a part of a broader pattern of abuse and control. 

Common forms of substance use coercion includes:

  • deliberately introducing survivors to substances or
  • forcing or coercing them to use substances
  • interfering with their access to treatment or withholding needed medication
  • sabotaging their recovery efforts
  • leveraging the stigma associated with substance use to discredit them with potential sources of safety and support.

Not all experiences or behaviours are easy to categorise and some fit into multiple categories. For example, threats to harm can also be emotional, verbal, and technology-facilitated abuse. Equally, more than one kind of abuse can be perpetrated at the same time, for example, yelling insults and slurs whilst destroying someone’s property. People experiencing violence might also see these categories as interchangeable or inseparable.

Some behaviours are criminal offences, such as stalking, physical and sexual assault while other forms of abuse listed may only be understood to be abusive within the context of domestic and family violence.

Impact on children

When a person using violence commits domestic and family violence in families with children, those children are exposed to that violence and it causes lasting harm on their wellbeing and development. This is known as exposure to domestic and family violence. Children will be assumed to have been impacted or to be at risk of harm when their parent or carer has been a victim of domestic and family violence. Children do not have to present for an ‘incident’ of physical violence to have been exposed to domestic and family violence (Haslam et al.). 

This video illustrates the lived experience for children and young people when an adult is violent and abusive in the family home. 

Exposure to domestic and family violence can have wide range of detrimental impacts on a child’s development, mental and physical health, housing situation and general wellbeing (Haslam et al., Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (a), Toivonen and Backhouse). Research has found exposure to family violence is associated with a range of outcomes, including:

  • diminished educational attainment
  • reduced social participation in early adulthood
  • physical and psychological disorders
  • suicidal distress or thoughts
  • non-suicidal self-injury
  • behavioural difficulties
  • homelessness
  • future victimisation or violent offending.

When a child is exposed to family violence along with multiple risk factors, such as socioeconomic disadvantage, parental mental ill health, and parental substance abuse, more extreme negative outcomes are likely (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (b)). 
Refer to the section, Impact of domestic violence on children

Power and control wheel and equality wheel

Originally developed from work with men and women through behaviour change groups, the Power, and Control Wheel (Duluth Model) represents the lived experience of people experiencing violence and the equality wheel describes the changes needing to be made by men who use violence, to move to a non-violent partnership. These wheels can be used to identify precise explanations of the tactics of abuse used by helping to identify the pattern, intent and impact of violence and the corresponding aspect to be changed or developed. 

This 2-minute Duluth model video explains how the wheel helps you understand the dynamics within domestic and family violence. 

Several variations of the wheel are available to support specific interventions and focus areas:

Practice prompt

The Power and Control Wheel can be used as an aid for conversation and assessment with both people using violence, and those experiencing it. 

The Power and Control Wheel can be a powerful guide for perpetrator mapping and case planning.

Gender roles 

Domestic and family violence is a significant gendered social problem which occurs across all cultures, demographic and socio-economic groups, all ages, and within same sex and gender-diverse relationships. However, the prevalence of domestic and family violence in relationships in general, is consistently a gendered issue. 

While people of all genders may experience or perpetrate domestic and family violence, men are more likely to perpetrate domestic violence and are more likely to perpetrate repeated and more severe forms of abuse. Domestic and family violence perpetrated by men against women is rooted in harmful views towards women, including harmful stereotypes and gender inequality. Forms of masculinity and rigid gender attitudes endorse adolescent and adult men’s social dominance, entitlement and authority. 

Whilst significant gains have been made with respect to the rights of children and women; social, systemic, and economic structures still tend to reinforce masculine privilege and power and the research suggests the rigid and traditional gendered attitudes continue to create an enabling context for domestic and family violence. The following video illustrates Australia’s framework to preventing violence against women. 


Men can also be the victims of coercive control, however, statistically this is rare, and in these instances the person using violence is most often also male (Donovan and Hester).

Women using violence

When women use violence, the context and intent tend to differ from that of men. Men’s use of violence against women is learned and reinforced through many social, cultural, and institutional avenues, while women’s use of violence does not have this societal support.

Many women who use violence against their male partners are being abused and their violence is primarily used in response to resist the controlling violence being used against them. On the societal level, women’s violence against men has a much smaller effect on men compared to the devastating effect of men’s violence against women and their children. 

Practice prompt

Have you ever noticed yourself or your colleagues getting very angry at a mother who has abused or neglected their children, but less so about a father engaging in the same behaviour? Consider if you are applying the Parenting double standards accidentally.

Same-sex and gender diverse intimate relationships

Domestic and family violence in same-sex intimate relationships has many overlapping characteristics to violence within heterosexual relationships and it may include unique features such as threats of ‘outing’, or homophobic/transphobic put-downs.

Practice prompt

Use exploratory questions to understand the dynamics, power, control, and safety needs to avoid assumptions or unconscious cognitive biases influencing your assessment of who is experiencing violence and who is using violence.  

People from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds

People living in Australia who were born in countries where the main language is not English represent a sizable population group. Women from this population group can experience unique forms and disproportionate rates of violence, exacerbated by systemic and structural factors and face additional barriers to reporting violence, seeking support, and accessing justice and healing (Coumarelos et al.).

Characteristics of the experience of violence by this population include: 

  • having significantly lower understanding of violence against women and lower rates of rejection of problematic attitudes
  • violence and coercion tactics include threatening deportation to their partner who is on a temporary visa, and forcing their partner to stop practising their religion
  • a higher proportion believe women lie or exaggerate abuse and sexual assault and that domestic violence is a private matter which should be handled in the family
  • women are vulnerable to being misidentified as perpetrators of domestic violence, and this risk is compounded when services and agencies fail to utilise interpreting services
  • women are at higher risk of technology-facilitated violence due to limited or no English-language skills to understand what has occurred or seek help from services or familial networks. 

Practice prompt

When English is not a person’s first language, maximise engagement and participation by: 

  • use out-of-state phone interpreters (including for face-to-face meetings), ensure the interpreter is speaking the correct language and dialect and check the mother is happy with the interpreter’s practice
  • talking face to face rather than on the phone
  • make appointments in familiar, safe spaces such as at schools or local health centres
  • check whether there is a gender preference for interpreters being used. Some people with not speak freely with an interpreter not of their gender.
  • as these meetings will take significantly longer time to communicate, plan accordingly.

Parenting double standards

Reducing or eliminating men’s violence against women requires more than ensuring individual men cease being violent. It requires an understanding of the underlying and deeply engrained cultural attitudes which influence what masculinity entails and the courage to change by adopting and practising new beliefs and attitudes (Flynn).

Societal norms and expectations for ‘a good mother’ are significantly different to that of ‘a good father’ (Fish et al.). It is expected ‘a good mother’ will meet her child’s physical, emotional, and psychological needs and protect her child from exposure to domestic violence. In contrast, ‘a good father’ will merely be present or involved in some way with his child. For example, it is common to expect a mother to know all information about her child’s medical status (who treating practitioners are, when the next appointment is, what vaccinations have been completed) and social and emotional needs (who are their best friends, how to contact their parents, whether they are having any difficulties), but to not expect the father to know any of this information. 

Further, this bias can influence how we assess mothers’ competence if they are unable to provide this level of information about their child, whereas it is understood to be acceptable for fathers to not know this level of information.

  • challenge this double standard of parenting by engaging with the person using violence, using the Safe and Together model (Mandel) instead of only working with the person experiencing violence  
  • hold fathers to the same parenting standards as mothers 
  • taking care with assessments, to determine if a mother is ‘unable to protect’ rather than having ‘failed to protect’. Recording the person using violence as responsible for the impacts the violence or coercive control are having on the child (for example, which parent is responsible for missed days at school or the child’s problematic behaviours which stem from their exposure to domestic and family violence). 

Studies repeatedly show child protection work tends to focus on mothers, with fathers having only a peripheral presence in case files, child protection conferences and home visits (Hardy). This has given rise to a series of descriptions of fathers as ‘invisible’ (Strega), ‘ghosts’ (Brown et al.), or ‘shadows’ (Ewart-Boyle et al.). When fathers have perpetrated domestic violence, they may ensure they are not present during home visits, or their involvement in the family might be hidden by mothers for fear of reprisals or of having the children placed in care (Dominelli et al.).

To assess fathers’ parenting capacity to the same standard as expected of mothers, explore and document: 

  • their care-giving role within the family
  • the impact their choice to use coercive control and violence has on family functioning for the child (Mandel).

Give proper consideration to how mothers’ actions have created safety and stability. For example, through the provision of predictable routines, attuned caregiving, and practical household management. 


Hold fathers accountable for their use of violence and the impact this has on family functioning.

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