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This page was updated on 17 July 2024. To view changes, please see page updates


When talking to women about online resources, make sure they are aware of online safety and privacy. Many websites on domestic and family violence have an ‘exit this site now’ button, also known as an emergency or quick exit. This clears the site from a browser’s web history. Point this out to women and explain how it works.


DV Connect Queensland is the state wide telephone service offering women who are experiencing domestic or family violence practical assistance, including counselling, intervention, transport and emergency accommodation 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Safe and Equal – Help and support — This Victorian based website is the most extensive collection of domestic and family violence information online for people living in Australia. There is information for women, older women, mothers, children, family, friends and community members.

1800 Respect is the national sexual assault and domestic and family violence counselling and referral service. They can be contacted by phone or online chat 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This page has links to a collection of services in Queensland including links to legal services and specialist services for Aboriginal, migrant and refugee women.

Programs and service providers

The Department of Justice and Attorney General website provides a range of advice and links to support services. The collection of links on the ‘Domestic and family violence’ page can help you point women in the right direction when it comes to planning for their safety and financial needs and obtaining counselling and support.

Find local support is a website containing information and contact details for helplines and regional support services funded by the Queensland Government. It also helps to identify which service is best to contact in specific scenarios, including when a women is at imminent risk of harm or may require housing or legal assistance.

ReachOut is a mental health support and advocacy service for young people. Their articles on domestic violence, such as Signs of an abusive relationship, may be helpful for the young women you work with. It also suggests a collection of health and wellness apps that you may be able to recommend to women who are experiencing/have experienced domestic and family violence to help support their physical and mental wellness.

Arc provides quick access to easy-to-read information about technology, devices and Queensland-specific legal guides that cover technology-facilitated stalking and abuse.

WWILD is able to provide support to victims of crime and counselling to women with an intellectual disability who have experienced sexual abuse or been victims of crime. They also provide training workshops and online training for people supporting and working with women with an intellectual disability, in addition to easy read resources including the You deserve to be safe simple English booklet.

Women's Legal Service is a specialist legal centre providing free legal (specific to Family Law and domestic violence matters) and social work services to women in Queensland. It aims to help women who do not qualify for Legal Aid and are unable to afford a private lawyer. It also has a number of resources that can be provided to women to help them navigate the legal system when it comes to separation and domestic and family violence.

Victims Assist Queensland (VAQ) provides information and advice for victims of crime about what help and support they can access. Financial assistance can also be sourced through VAQ to pay for or reimburse for goods and services victims need in order to recover from physical and psychological injuries as a result of violent crime committed in Queensland. 

For information about safety in the context of domestic violence, resources and information are available at the eSafety Women website

Domestic violence information in community languages can be accessed from the Immigrant Women's Support Service 

Read their stories from mothers who have experienced violence at the Queensland Centre for Domestic and Family Violence Research 

Tools for practitioners

The Three Houses Tool

A familiar tool for most practitioners, the Three Houses can be used to explore the acts of violence and other behaviours that frighten and worry the woman and children, as well as what worries they have for others. It can help explore protective factors that can shape safety and case planning and create a picture of what needs to change for the woman and child to feel safe and happy. Because the woman is the victim of violence, these conversations should not just talk about the child’s safety, but also hers.

The Safety House Tool

Another familiar tool, this is used to hear from the woman and child about who and what can keep them safe, what rules need to be in place and how to get to a point where they feel safe. This tool can also be used to explore any feelings of blame they may have and worries about what may happen if Child Safety is involved and if they talk to a practitioner about what is happening.

Berry Street Childhood Institute

Useful fact sheets can be downloaded here in relation to domestic and family violence.

Children’s domestic violence wheel

Using this wheel can help practitioners talk to the mother about the various ways the father’s use of violence against her can also hurt her children. It is important when having conversations about how children are harmed by the father’s violence not to place blame for this on the mother. Helping her develop an understanding can, however, help her to be more informed and aware. This may lead to her making choices about whether it is safer to stay or leave the relationship.

Power and control wheel

This wheel is used widely to support conversations with women about the various ways a man may use violence, control and coercion. It can help the woman recognise her experiences and begin to recognise that this is a pattern of violent behaviour experienced by other women. This wheel can also be a useful framework for talking to her about the different ways he abuses her.

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