Changes have been made to the following sections:
- Resources Practice guides (6 pages)
- Procedures Investigate and assess (5 pages)
- Procedures Support a child in care (5 pages)
- Procedures Recommend a child protection order (3 pages)
- Forms & templates Forms (2 pages)
- Forms & templates Templates (1 page)
- Our approach Policies (1 page)
- Procedures Provide and review care (1 page)
- Procedures Receive and respond at intake (1 page)
- Procedures Support a child at home (1 page)
Court request for information - domestic violence orders (section 55)
Updated content
Overview of case planning
Overview of case planning
Bias in child protection decision making
Page created
Bias in child protection decision making
Page created
Bias in child protection decision making
Page created
Respond to specific matters
PG - Bias in child protection decision making added
Respond to specific matters
Assess the information and decide the outcome
PG - Bias in child protection decision making added
Assess the information and decide the outcome
PG Bias in child protection decision making added
Gather information from other sources
Updated information -section 55 DFVP Act 2012
Respond to a child's specific needs
New section 55 (DFVP Act 2012) content
Respond to a child's specific needs
New section 55 (DFVP Act 2012) content
Respond to a child's specific needs
New section 55 (DFVP Act 2012) content
Case planning
Updated policy links
Enable participation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in decision making