Adoption and Permanent Care Services is responsible for delivering services under the Adoption Act 2009. CSSC staff are required to support the delivery of adoption services.
Support the delivery of adoption services
When Adoption and Permanent Care Services require support from CSSC staff to deliver adoption services, an Adoption and Permanent Care Services senior team leader will contact the CSSC manager responsible for the geographical area where the parent or parents reside to discuss:
- the need for support from the CSSC to deliver adoption services to the child and parents
- details of the child and parent/s
- details of the services to be delivered in accordance with the Adoption Practice Manual.
The CSSC manager will allocate case work responsibility to a Child Safety practitioner and advise the Adoption and Permanent Care Services senior team leader of the practitioner’s details.
The Adoption and Permanent Care Services senior team leader is responsible for supervising the delivery of adoption services, including when services are delivered by a CSO.
An Adoption and Permanent Care Services senior team leader may request support to:
- provide pre-consent counselling to parents, to help them to make an informed decision about whether to consent to their child's adoption (Refer to the Adoption Practice Manual, Engage with parents considering adoption for a child.)
facilitate an adoption care agreement for a child whose parents are considering adoption, including making arrangements for and supporting family contact (Refer to the Adoption Practice Manual, Enter into or end an adoption care agreement.)
support a child’s care arrangement with an approved carer, including opening and managing a placement event in ICMS to facilitate carer payments (Refer to the Adoption Practice Manual, Place a child with an approved carer.)
- witness the parents’ consent to their child's adoption (Refer to the Adoption Practice Manual, Witness a parent give consent.)
assist people affected by adoption by providing one-off post adoption services (Refer to the Adoption Practice Manual, Access to information.)
Under an adoption care agreement, the chief executive has custody of the child, while the parents retain guardianship.
The chief executive becomes the child’s guardian after a parent has consented to their child’s adoption or the parents’ consent has been dispensed (Adoption Act 2009, section 57).
Practice prompt
A child subject to an adoption care agreement is placed with an approved carer under the Child Protection Act 1999, section 82(1). The statement of standards set out in the Child Protection Act 1999, section 122 apply to the care arrangement.
Case management for a child subject to an adoption care agreement occurs in accordance with the Adoption Act 2009. There is no requirement for case planning in accordance with the Child Protection Act 1999, Chapter 2, part 3A for the development of a child health passport or an education support plan.
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