In interpreting and applying the information detailed within this practice kit, you must be aware of and reflect on the interrelation of the five elements of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander child placement principle. For example, the partnership and participation elements both relate to self-determination through the participation of children, families and community representatives.
All practitioners are expected to demonstrate active efforts that are purposeful, thorough, active and timely. This is supported by legislation and policy.
Active efforts can encompass a variety of strategies to ensure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children’s connection to family, culture, community and country is maintained.
They should be made throughout the child protection continuum. We should:
- conduct a rigorous and balanced assessment that takes into account the cultural needs of the child and the lived realities of their community
- develop a case plan in partnership with a child’s family and community
- provide services that support the reunification of a child with their parent or Indigenous kin after the removal of a child.
Practitioners must work with children, their family and community to overcome any barriers to them accessing services that may help in achieving the goal of keeping the family safe and together.

(SNAICC, 2019, p. 5)
Recognise the strengths of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural practices in family life and child rearing
Recognise and value the strengths of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander child rearing practices. When practitioners are not attuned to differences in child rearing, they may misinterpret parental strengths as practices that place the child at risk. To build their capacity, practitioners need to understand the child rearing practices of the family with which they are working.
See part 2 of this kit to learn more about child rearing practices.

(SNAICC, 2019, p. 18)
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